Programmable and Automatic Bandsaw

Aug. 17, 2017
Kalamazoo Machine Tool offers a fully hydraulic and programmable bandsaw.

Model KTech 502 A-M fully automatic mitering bandsawing machine is a true shuttle-vise machine. The saw is fully hydraulic and is fully programmable to automatically cut miters from 60-deg. left to 60-deg. right and any length desired. Two saw vises on the infeed side ensure the material is clamped and never released during all feeding and sawing operations. The barfeeder travels on ball screw for maximum accuracy. The Cutoff side features a hydraulic stop assembly to keep material in line while the automatic mitering sequence is taking place. The saw is supplied with a 1 ¼ in. x 13’ 11 in. blade with variable speeds from 60-360 sfpm.


The KTech 502saw capacities include 14-in. round materials, 12 in. x 17 in. rectangular materials and 10 in. x 13 in. rectangular capacity at 60-deg. The saw has a free-standing operator’s console that can be conveniently placed in the most advantageous operator location. Operation is straightforward, and the touch screen on the operator’s console is simple and easy to use.