Tool Data Management for Industry 4.0

Aug. 8, 2017
TDM Systems releases TDM 2017 for more efficient data transfer.

TDM 2017, with emphasis on supporting Industry 4.0, provides for more efficient data transfer and can also be used in parallel to existing applications. Together TDM 2017 and TDM 2017 Global Line replace version 4.8.


TDM 2017 provides classic 2-tier architecture for direct communication between server and database. TDM 2017 Global Line uses 3-tier architecture with interconnected ISS application servers from Microsoft. They carry out all computations, ensuring that the transfer of data is substantially more efficient. The application servers are freely scalable and can handle virtually any number of users worldwide.


TDM has separated the application data from the application itself, which makes further development of the system possible without having to change systems while doing so. This also improves data quality, security, service and the implementation of updates.


Further highlights include the new 3D tool assembler in TDM 2017 Global Line and the tool search, which is like a simple Internet search. The new TDM-check examines data and displays areas of potential improvement. A new import module gets tool data from standard sources. For data import, customer-specific templates can be defined and existing data records expanded.