Chilled Mirror Sensor Offers Temperature Stability

Sept. 14, 2017
Edgetech Instruments reduces installation cost with their chilled sensor.

The Model DX primary method chilled mirror dew/frost point sensor is the latest addition to the line of direct insertion hygrometer sensors. With an integral PRT temperature sensor, wider operating range and improved temperature stability, the new DX can be inserted into the process stream or used to monitor the local environment.


With its integrally mounted temperature sensor, a single penetration reduces installation cost and improves relative humidity accuracy, as the temperature and dew/frost point are measured at the same location. The Model DX expands Edgetech Instruments’ sensor choices for easy installation.


Active cooling gives the sensor enhanced stability and a dynamic range of -40° to +95°C dew/frost point over a wide range of ambient conditions, while active sensor temperature compensation and isolation eliminate drift. An integrated micro aspirator option gives faster response in static environments and an integral barometric pressure measurement option is available on request. Integrated filter options are available for use in dirty environments.


The sensor can be used with the Edgetech Instruments DewMaster and DewTrak II dew/frost point hygrometers over a wide dynamic dew/frost point range of -40° to +95°C, with a temperature depression of 65°C from ambient temperature. It can be located remotely at distances up to 100 ft. Its compact design reduces the space needed for installation.