The P32 Signal Calibrator has a graphic interface that makes for easy programming and reading. It has an accuracy of 0.015% of reading and the resolution displayed is adjustable from a tenth to a thousandth of the value measured to provide the level of confidence you need.
The emission function can generate simple or cyclic ramps with adjustable high and low levels, rising and falling times, and stabilization time. Thanks to the scaling of measured and generated signals, a direct reading of sensors units simplify the job. It can also generate steps and fixed values in order to check the span and linearity of transmitters, panel meters, and recorders. The statistical calculation of measurements includes maximum, minimum, and average of the measured signal are always displayed as is the number of measurements. The hold function allows the user to freeze the display measurement. The filter can be applied to minimize the least significant digit fluctuation. A starting delay function is programmable when ramps, steps or values are emitted to allow the user to reach the control post in time. The P32 can measure the current output of transmitters using the Hart protocol.
- ?High Precision: 150 ppm of reading
- Temperature Coefficients: 15 ppm rdg/°C for voltage and 20 ppm rdg/°C for current
- Measurement up to 50V
- Simulation up to 15V
- Measurement and emission up to 25mA
- Adapted to the difficult working modes of the process world thanks to scaling and different specific ranges.