GILBRETH LAUNCHES FIRST SHRINK FILM BASED ON EARTHFIRST® PLA FILM Croydon, PA: Responding to customers’ concerns about availability and the environmental impact of current materials, Gilbreth, a world leader in shrink labels, has partnered with Plastic Suppliers to develop corn-based polylactic acid (PLA) shrink labels as an alternative to oil-based films. Gilbreth Packaging shrink sleeves and tamper bands made from Earthfirst PLA films offer a plentiful, renewable and sustainable resource that presents packagers with a viable alternative to traditional petroleum-based feedstocks. Gilbreth Packaging is pleased to be the first to offer high performance shrink labels and tamper evident bands based on this revolutionary new material. Gilbreth labels made from Earthfirst PLA film offer better performance than petroleum based polymers. “Because PLA is derived from a natural, renewable resource, availability and pricing should be more predictable than materials derived from oil”, explains Theresa Sykes, Gilbreth Packaging New Product Manager. Sykes continues, “especially exciting is that shrink labels and tamper evident bands produced from Earthfirst PLA film perform as well or better than currently available materials. We fully expect end-users to realize performance benefits in labeling line speeds and reduced energy consumption.” The Gilbreth Packaging PLA shrink labels and tamper evident bands are the outgrowth of close customer contact in which products are developed to keep pace with emerging needs. As a market leader, Gilbreth draws upon its experience built over more than 30 years of innovative solutions and a full in-house research facility.