ShapeGrabber Ai320 and Ai820 Automated 3D Laser Scanning Metrology Systems

Sept. 9, 2022
Optical Gaging Products' ShapeGrabber Ai320 and Ai820 are metrology-class machines that combine powerful laser and camera technology.

The ShapeGrabber Ai320 and the ShapeGrabber Ai820 have been added to a family of automated 3D laser scanning metrology systems. They combine powerful laser and camera technology to capture up to 1.5 million data points per second. A high-resolution scanhead offers dynamic range and delivers fast and accurate measurement of parts in a variety of materials, colors, textures, and finishes.


ShapeGrabber Ai320 is a vertical axis benchtop system that features the SG108 scanhead for smaller parts. ShapeGrabber Ai820 with the SG408 scanhead is a large capacity floor model with a standard vertical axis. It is also offered with a horizontal axis for larger, more intricate parts. 

  • High-resolution 3D scanheads with high dynamic range
  • Scanning parameters are easily selected and saved
  • Multiple motion axes and laser sensors
  • Integrated and calibrated scanning and part positioning
  • Automated transports including a linear and rotary axis