Vernon Hills, IL – (August 17, 2006) With the introduction of its ANW-3500, Fuji offers a mid-range twin spindle lathe that is ideal for automotive applications. Fuji’s ANW-3500 accommodates heavier workloads, larger machine envelopes and higher machine powers and torques than its ANW-3000, while coming with a lower price tag than its ANW-4100. Applications for the ANW-3500 include large hubs and smaller diff cases, as well as disk brakes and rotors. The operator-friendly ANW-3500’s dual spindles operate at 25/20 HP power each (20/25 optional). An A2-6 spindle nose comes standard; an A2-8 spindle nose is available as an option for larger size chucks (12” – 15”). The ANW-3500’s new swing arm robot can handle up to 7kg (15.4 lbs) of parts, and operates with the same CNC and robot control as the ANW-3000. For an improved machine envelope, the Z-axis stroke has been extended by 75mm. The ANW-3500’s work size is 250mm x 4.33. FUJI turns the machining of a part into process perfection. When you contact FUJI, the part you will be machining is analyzed by engineers with vast experience in process and manufacturing engineering. With the largest install base at the major automotive manufacturers, FUJI engineers apply their experience with the FUJI machines that are built for automation from the ground up. These highly accurate machines employ built-in robotic automation, in-process auto gauging for quality control, and are engineered with the finest FUJI custom workholding, all from one source. This allows FUJI engineers to guarantee takt time, cycle time and CPK with turnkey and run-off solutions that are built for lean manufacturing. Using less manpower and more automation, FUJI machines produce the highest quality parts most efficiently and reliably. FUJI solutions are supported by factory-trained American engineers 24/7.• Spindle diameter mm [ inch ] - 100 [ 3.94 ] • Spindle speed rpm ) - ~3500 • Spindle motor kW [ hp ] - 15/18.5 [ 20/25 ] • Slide stroke: X-axis mm [ inch ] - 225 [ 8.86 ] • Work length mm [ inch ] - 250 [ 10]