MKS Instruments, Inc. (Nasdaq: MKSI), a leading provider of process control technologies for improving productivity in semiconductor and other advanced manufacturing processes, has introduced the SenseLink™ QM quality monitoring system to control injection molding equipment used in manufacturing medical devices and in other high-accuracy industrial applications. With SenseLink QM, the user can quickly identify and correct process issues. SenseLink QM mounts to existing machines and evaluates part quality in real-time; it catches defects such as short shots, double shots, flash and overall process drift to improve yield; and it provides instant fault contribution details. The SenseLink QM system provides data acquisition, fault detection and control functions, all in one self-contained, compact unit that is easy to install and integrate. Utilizing multivariate analysis (MVA) software, SenseLink QM provides in-process fault detection and an understanding of the process that is not attainable from traditional supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and statistical process control (SPC) approaches. It features multivariate libraries and automated modeling functions from Umetrics, the market leader for MVA software, and incorporates the entire analytical process, including data collection, modeling and run-time control, in one single platform. A web browser user interface allows easy configuration and data analysis. Setup does not require MVA training, and models can adapt to acceptable process changes resulting from time, shift change and material variability. For data retention, results can be automatically archived on local network storage servers. The SenseLink QM system easily identifies process variables contributing to poor quality, allowing for corrective action to optimize production and eliminate downstream costs.