New CyberLock® Electronic IC Cylinder

Nov. 10, 2006
Videx announces a stainless steel reinforced small format interchangeable core (IC) as the newest addition to the CyberLock® family of intelligent lock cylinders. The unique design of all CyberLock cylinders allows you to quickly convert a standard lock into a fullfunctioning access control system by replacing its existing mechanical cylinder with the CyberLock electronic cylinder. With the new IC cylinder, even faster conversions can be done. Using a uniquely encoded Control Key, you can easily install the CyberLock IC cylinder. With CyberLock, no hardwiring or structural changes are required to install the system. CyberLock cylinders contain a microprocessor and memory and are designed to the exact dimensional standards of mechanical cylinders, making conversion easy in the field. In addition to the new IC cylinder, CyberLocks are available for installation in rim, mortise, lever and knob sets in doors; as well as in cabinets, desk drawers, and padlocks. The CyberLock system consists of the pick-proof CyberLock cylinder and the CyberKey® that cannot be duplicated. Both the lock and key keep a record of events, providing a detailed audit report for management to review. Each CyberKey can be programmed with its own access privileges to open certain locks on specific days, and only during selected times on those days. In addition, keys can be set with a date to begin operation as well as an expiration date, eliminating the inconvenience and expense of re-keying a facility.