8-Channel Remote Monitor & Alarm Notification System

Dec. 23, 2006
Sensaphone® today introduced its latest remote monitoring and alarm notification system, designed to protect heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. The Sensaphone 1800 protects HVAC equipment by monitoring critical environmental conditions – power, timers, temperature, alarms, etc. – and issuing alerts when threatening conditions exist.When the Sensaphone 1800 detects a problem, it automatically issues an alarm so action can be taken to avoid damage to the HVAC system. The new remote monitoring system delivers alarm notifications to as many as eight recipients, and offers alarm history reviews, data logging, web-based interface, and remote control capabilities. Alarm notifications can be sent via voice phone or text messages to alphanumeric pagers and cell phones. It also comes with custom voice messaging on any alarm event, and can also upload status and history of conditions to a web server.The Sensaphone 1800 is packaged in a sealed, weatherproof, lockable enclosure, providing added durability when used in harsh applications often associated with the HVAC industry. Other added features include a rechargeable battery backup and extended temperature sensing.