The Koslow Alloy Sorter TE-3000 is a low-cost instrument for identifying alloys based on the Thermoelectric Effect. The Thermoelectric Effect is a property of alloy type which can be used to characterize most stainless steel and nickel alloys. Testing is easy. Just touch the heated probe to the alloy and the characteristic thermoelectric numbers of the alloy are displayed on the meter. Compare the readings with a standard alloy sample of the same material or with a list of alloys and their thermoelectric readings. These measurements can be made on virtually any size or shape piece, from wires to tanks. Testing takes so little time and effort that a large number of identifications can be made in a very short time, without special training. This metal tester finds applications in all facets of metal fabrication, inspection, quality control, scrap-sorting, maintenance and repair. •Quick- seconds per measurement •Virtually any size piece •Stable, repeatable read-out •NDT non-destructive •Easy to use- No training necessary •Light weight -2 lbs. •Uses standard 110 VAC line voltage •Economical- just pennies per test •PLC compatible