Collaborative Application Software Solution

Dec. 7, 2021
WebLytics, a collaborative application software solution from OnRobot, identifies trends in real-time in the robot cell.

A unique production monitoring, device diagnostics, and data analytics solution, WebLytics is designed to enhance productivity and minimize downtime. Capable of monitoring the performance of multiple collaborative applications simultaneously and in real-time, WebLytics gathers equipment data from both robots and tools and transforms it into easy-to-understand, visualized device, and application-level intelligence.


The software provides actionable insights into how well a collaborative application is performing, offering live device diagnostics, alerts, and preventive maintenance measures to keep costly robot cell downtime to a minimum.


WebLytics identifies trends in real-time in the robot cell, including patterns, peaks, and disturbances in application productivity. Leveraging OEE measures, it can determine whether the manufacturing process is running at optimal speed and can monitor and analyze the quality of application cycles.


WebLytics can report on utilization of the robot arm and OnRobot tools such as grippers, vision cameras, and sensors, as well as the number of safety stops initiated and the number of grip cycles performed while an application is running.


When changes are made to a robot cell, such as adjusting the speed of a robot or the settings on a gripper, WebLytics can also automatically report on the impact of those changes on application performance.


If anomalies occur in the collaborative application after deployment, the software enables users to analyze the data collected directly from the robot(s) and tools and report on its findings using customizable dashboards.


Compatible with all leading collaborative robot and lightweight industrial robot arms and with all OnRobot tools, WebLytics is readily expandable, futureproofing it as new robots and tools become available.

  • First remote monitoring and diagnostics software to optimize production and minimize downtime for collaborative robot applications
  • Automatic data collection from any leading robot and all OnRobot tools for real-time and historic views and alerts
  • Intuitive, customizable dashboards transform raw data into actionable application and device-level insights using industry-standard KPIs
  • Flexible and scalable for use on the shop floor and for management-level decisions, even in dynamic environments