Machined Springs Utilizing the HELI-CAL® Flexure

July 2, 2008

Key to the versatility of the machined spring is the HELI-CAL Flexure, a flexible helix beam concept utilized in the manufacture of Helical machined springs. Desired features or functions can be made part of the machined spring, such as: special attachments, precise spring rates, multiple integral coils, and other special characteristics. The final result is an elegant, single-piece component designed for the full extent of your workload characteristics in all operational modes, not just a single functional phase.

Machined Spring Advantages:

  • Quality-reliability
  • Repeatability-predictability
  • Precision elasticity
  • Integration with the entire product
  • Reduction of separate assemblies
  • Resolve moments with multiple starts
  • Precise spring rates
  • RoHS compliant