Quantum Compare™ Document Proofreading System

July 8, 2009
Complete Inspection Systems, Inc., has announced its advanced new document comparison system. Quantum Compare sets a new standard in digital document comparison; for the first time, two electronic documents can be inspected for content and style differences, regardless of their appearance, layout, authoring, distillation engine or number of pages. Differences are highlighted in the body of the original document, in the precise context in which they are found. Using unique new technology, Quantum Compare analyzes the unique Unicode value of each character, rather than its shape or appearance, making it the most advanced text comparison software on the market today. Quantum Compare is a user friendly document comparison system for any digital documents in which accuracy is absolutely critical: product information, packaging, manuals, labels and booklets. It is Unicode-based and can read and distill PDF files for comparison from a number of common formats. It is capable of finding differences in font type, font style, text color and can compare other text attributes like bolding and italicization.  To begin a comparison, the user loads the master and sample documents into the system, and selects the regions to be compared (or selects nothing, in order to compare the entire document). Next, the operator executes the comparison - the computer will compile the words present in the two files and compare their underlying data values, as well as the attribute tags such as font, bolding, italics, color and size. The system will then report back the results to the operator. In the example here, among other errors, the word “linearly” was left out of the sample - the system reports the change as a deleted word. A word present in the master file was left out of the sample and hence the word is deleted. The change is highlighted in the document in the original context and the difference is listed in the Difference Navigator along with the type of difference. Detected errors are identified, aligned and color-coded the Difference Navigator pane. Errors are reported in the same order as they appear within the document, allowing the operator to read and revise sequentially. Use Quantum Compare to check your documents after each revision to verify that only intentional changes were made. What was changed? What is the precise nature of the change? Quantum Compare will give details about how and where the change occurred, and can generate a detailed report of discrepancies.