Welding Power Source Delivers up to 160 amp

Nov. 10, 2016
Maxstar 161 welding power source provides lightweight portability, ease of setup and use, and improved performance for light industrial applications.

Maxstar 161 welding power source provides lightweight portability, ease of setup and use, and improved performance for a variety of light industrial applications.


A new digital meter results in easy machine setup and more precise control when presetting or monitoring welding amperage. A single amperage range allows welding operators to accurately set amperage on both 120 or 240-v primary power.


Maxstar 161 includes improvements that deliver superior stick arc performance, allowing welding operators to keep the arc lit, even on difficult-to-run electrodes such as E6010.

Three different models available:

  • Maxstar 161 S is a stick-only welding power source designed for use in maintenance repair, shipboard installation and repair, farm and ranch, and hobbyist applications. It offers dc output stick welding with an amperage range of 20-90 amp on 120-v primary power and a range of 20-160 amp on 240-v primary power.
  • Maxstar 161 STL offers Lift-Arc TIG and stick welding processes for light industrial applications and a variety of industries, including process pipe, dairy, food and beverage, restaurant and kitchen repair, and maintenance repair. It offers dc TIG up to 130 amp and dc stick up to 90 amp on 120-v input power, and dc stick up to 160 amp at 240-v input power.
  • Maxstar 161 STH power source offers TIG, pulsed TIG and stick welding for light industrial applications, providing DC TIG up to 130 amps and DC stick up to 90 amps at 120-volt input power and DC TIG and DC stick up to 160 amps on 240-volt input power. The pulsed TIG process on this model offers a range of 0 to 150 Hz, for improved arc stability and heat control that help increase travel speeds and reduce distortion.

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