Uni-Fit™ Ear Plug

Sept. 6, 2011

Elvex® has introduced the improved, Uni-Fit™ disposable ear plug with a higher rating of 32 NRR!  The Uni-Fit™ is more vibrant in color, making compliance safety checks much easier and faster.

  •  Tapered Bell Shape
  • New, Slow Expansion Rate Foam for Comfort
  • Soil Resistant Closed Cell Foam Prevents Dirt Build Up
  •  Easy Insertion & Removal
  •  Complies with ANSI S3.19-1974 & CE EN-352: 2002
  • 32 NRR
  • Available: Corded, Un-Corded. Plus, Dispenser.
  •  Tapered Bell Shape
  • New, Slow Expansion Rate Foam for Comfort
  • Soil Resistant Closed Cell Foam Prevents Dirt Build Up