FM Alert Software

July 21, 2022
Key Technology's FM Alert Software automatically captures and saves a digital image that is timestamped and ‘marked’ to point out the contaminant.

Built for Key Technology digital sorting systems, AI-driven FM Alert software is a powerful tool to capture and save digital images of critical foreign material (FM) contaminants that the sorter detects and rejects from the product stream. Data outputs from the software can be utilized to immediately alert operators and/or signal a downstream device. FM Alert helps processors better control FM and improve documentation to protect food safety.


The software automatically captures and saves a digital image that is timestamped and ‘marked’ to point out the critical FM contaminant. To address critical FM findings immediately, data outputs can be utilized by the plant to drive custom behaviors, including notifying operators to the FM event with a visual and/or audible alarm at the sorter or to alert others on and off the production floor. These real-time notifications enable a processor to identify the source of the FM and remedy quality problems rapidly. Additionally, FM Alert data outputs can be utilized to trigger a gate or diverter downstream of the sorter to segregate at-risk product.


Most users will program FM Alert to act on only specific types of critical FM such as glass, plastic, rubber or wood.

  • Automatically captures and saves a digital image that is timestamped and ‘marked’
  • Data outputs can be utilized by the plant to drive custom behaviors
  • Real-time notifications