Classic LED Drivers Catalog

Nov. 14, 2018
Thomas Research Products offers a catalog to help you choose the right LED driver for your LED application.

The Classic Driver catalog helps OEMs identify the exact LED driver they need for their applications. All drives carry UL's Type TL Rating.

  • Identify whether a constant-current or constant-voltage source is required to operate your LEDs application
  • Identify the number of LEDs used in your application
    • Voltage required is determined by the number of LEDs in series string
    • Current required is determined by number of parallel individual LEDs or strings
  • Identify the maximum wattage load the driver will encounter in your application -
    • Choose a driver rated slightly higher than your maximum rated load -
    • Make sure the driver’s output will operate beyond the LED's specified range (voltage range for a constant-current driver, or current range for a constantvoltage driver)
  • Identify any dimming needs
  • Choose a driver from a manufacturer with US operations (sales and engineering support is just a phone call away), who can also supply your manufacturing locations worldwide