Miyachi Unitek’s LMV1000G diode-pumped high speed precision laser is specifically designed for laser engraving or laser marking applications on plastics and reflective metals. The LMV1000G yttrium vanadate (Nd:YVO4) laser marker features second harmonic generation (SHG) output using non-linear optical elements that emit a green laser beam in the visible spectrum. 

The green beam’s focus spot diameter is 50 percent smaller, and the energy density is four times stronger than the 1064nm wavelength, enabling highly precise marking on a wider range of materials, including copper and gold, carbon and stainless steels, bare and anodized aluminum, titanium, and as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), as well as lexan, other plastics, and resins. 

The LMV1000G can produce line widths down to 20 microns (even on reflective and ‘red’ materials), character sizes to 100 microns, and data matrix codes with 20 micron cell sizes. Standard length lenses are used, so working distances remain practical. The laser engraver can work with a range of marking styles, including alphanumerics, logos, graphics, bar codes, 2D codes, and both TrueType® and single stroke fonts. 

  • non-linear optical elements
  • green laser beam
  • line widths down to 20 microns