Sahara Industrial Conveyor Ovens

Sept. 3, 2013

Sahara Industrial Conveyor Ovens offer a range of sizes and heating arrangements to meet a variety of heating applications.


Benko Products is not restricted to industrial oven standard model sizes and, instead, will custom build an industrial oven to your specifications.

  • Custom-built to your specifications
  • Precise temperature control, including
  • a thermocouple actuated PID digital
  • temperature controller and adjustable
  • PID digital overtemperature protection.
  • Motor control push buttons
  • On-off heat switch
  • LED pilot lights
  •  2-year Manufacturer's warranty.

Materials of Construction:

  • 12 gauge interior walls and 14 gauge exterior walls
  • Integrated framing and structural members ensure toughness
  • 304 stainless steel construction available

Heating Medium

  • Electricity or Gas
  • Steam, hot oil, or hot water models available.

Temperature Range

  • Room temperature to 500°F
  • (Ratings for 650°F or 800°F optional)