Magnetic Drive Gear Pumps

Sept. 30, 2013

Clark Solutions introduces its FG Series Magnetic Drive Gear Pumps.  These high-performance gear pumps incorporate a 24V brushless DC drive motor in a rotor-less configuration and high precision magnetic drive to provide precise transfer of aggressive fluids.  FG gear pumps feature AISI 316L or PPS pump housings, PEEK/PTFE gears and bushings, and provide flow rates to 205 LPH and static pressure to 290 PSI.  

The extreme accuracy and pulsation-free flow of FG Series Pumps makes them ideally suited for medical devices, scientific and laboratory systems, as well as food processing, water purification, lubrication, cooling and other system applications, FG Series gear pumps have exceptional service lives compared to traditional pump motor assemblies. The 24 VDC motor drive circuit has a 0-5V analog input speed command. Output motor speed is 300-5000 RPM. A square wave tachometer signal output is standard.

  • 24V brushless DC drive motor
  • high precision magnetic drive
  • flow rates to 205 LPH