Haver Filling Systems, Inc. has enhanced its industry-proven technology for even greater powder filling speeds in plastic bags. The ADAMS 12 boosts filling to 33 bags per minute, making it the fastest powder filling bagger on the market for plastic bags. Haver’s introduction of the ADAMS 12 is in response to growing industry demand for plastic bags. The machine provides users a competitive advantage by offering high filling speeds of powder product without sacrificing quality. Constructed with form fill seal (FFS) technology and a high-speed rotating filling process, the ADAMS 12 not only delivers consistently high filling rates, but also provides the premium appearance, durability, longer shelf life and cleanliness of plastic bags. Once products are packaged by the ADAMS 12, durable plastic bags withstand shipping and storing abuse, and provide a cleaner product for retailers. 

While traditional paper bags may tear and leave powder covering the outside of the bag or store aisles – which costs money in terms of lost material and labor for cleaning up messes – plastic bags eliminate those worries. Plastic bags also repel moisture and can be stored indoors or outdoors multiple times longer than traditional paper. Bags filled by the ADAMS 12 also provide optimal palletizing. By using a corner seal, the equipment forms full bags with edges that produce a brick-like package. Unlike traditional plastic bags that shape more like a pillow, brick-shaped bags are easier to stack and more stable when palletized. This provides greater space utilization and safety when shipping and storing. The ADAMS 12 is equipped with 12 filling spouts that synchronize bag operations with the specified filling speed to provide continuous high-speed production. The film reel begins by feeding a plastic film tube into the ADAMS 12, where it forms an empty bag. From there, empty bags are continuously placed on the rotating filling spouts. Each spout then fills an empty bag to the specified capacity. The Haver net weigher confirms that bags are filled to a precise weight between 10 and 94 pounds and a vibrating unit compacts the product for a tight fit. To produce a consistent, tightly sealed package, the ADAMS 12 ensures bags are accurately and securely placed on filling spouts every time. This ensures all powder material goes into the bags, making the bags easier to seal while creating a dust-free work zone. With an Alan Bradley PLC controller, the ADAMS 12 is able to automate system processes, keep track of regular, preventative maintenance requirements and alert the operator when care is needed. Its easy-to-use interface limits operator involvement to stocking the film reel, overseeing the process and engaging in any necessary troubleshooting. To provide precise accuracy and filling to the target weight, the ADAMS 12 includes Haver’s MEC weighing control system. 

The MEC can be programmed with up to 250 product specifications, including bag size and weight, allowing for quick product changeovers. Once an operator selects the product ID number with the MEC software, the system automatically adjusts to the material’s specifications. Constructed with a compact design that encloses the filling process, the ADAMS 12 provides an exceptionally clean and safe working environment. Panel doors that incorporate large windows make it easy for an operator to oversee the filling operation. And, as an added safety precaution, the machine will not start when doors are open. Finally, for complete and easy access, operators can open doors 180 degrees during routine maintenance.

  • 33 bags per minute
  • high-speed rotating filling process
  • can be programmed with up to 250 product specifications