Global Connect Wireless: Full Duplex Wireless Intercoms Over IP

Nov. 29, 2023

2023 NED Innovation Award Finalist

Global Connect intercoms provide long-range full duplex communication via web chat. Using a computer or smartphone, they allow a crew of up to 8 wireless users to talk simultaneously and hands-free within a 400-yard range through the internet to any party worldwide. Global Connect is a breakthrough as it allows personnel to roam freely while maintaining a constant 2-way voice connection with the internet conversation.


Beginning with a custom wireless intercom including any combination of up to 8 transceivers including UltraLITE self-contained wireless headsets or UltraPAK radios with lightweight headsets., this standalone full-duplex system is linked to the internet via the Global Connect kit which includes an interconnect cable for smartphone or USB with soundcard for laptop/desktop. Once a web meeting is established via Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, etc. the mobile group joins the internet conversation just as though they are stationary in front of the computer microphone.