Vismo Notify System

Jan. 4, 2022
Vismo Notify is a system that allows employers to reduce risk through mass notifications.

Enabling employers to mass-notify high volumes of staff about critical incidents, Vismo Notify is an easy-to-use mass notification platform for organizations to notify any or all members of staff during an emergency incident, when an incident is expected or when updating staff with a new company policy. Irrespective of geographic range, large scale or highly localized, staff can be notified of an incident based on their proximity to it and risk levels they face.


The system allows organizations to greatly reduce and manage business and personal risks. When an incident occurs or is expected to occur, Vismo Notify enables organizations to act immediately and provide critically important notifications to their staff, including how to be as safe as possible until help arrives if it’s required. Notifications can be customized by management, who have full control over message content.


Message delivery methods include secure/encrypted delivery via the Vismo App or additionally by email, SMS, and Text to Voice. All or any of these options can be selected and continuously used until a message is responded to if required. Response options ensure that organizations can quickly understand how safe an employee is or feels. The options are fully customizable and easy to add to notifications.

  • Reduce risk
  • Business continuity
  • Peace of mind
  • Increase awareness of risk