Bench Top Temperature Controller

Dec. 2, 2013
BriskHeat Corporation has released a new bench top temperature controller: The X2-series PID temperature controller. The X2 is a compact, plug-and-play, single-zone bench top temperature controller designed for applications where you need precise temperature control, an easy-to-use digital interface, and have limited bench top space.  

An optional stand clamp allows you to save even more bench top space by installing the controller on a ring stand.   This controller has advanced features such as  PID,  wide temperature range settings: 32° to 1400°F (0° to 760°C), programmable to either °C or °F,  user configurable alarms including latching, security lock levels, models for either Type J or K thermocouple  inputs, and 15-amp capacity.  

  • wide temperature range settings
  • user configurable alarms
  • 15-amp capacity