Divelbiss Corporation announces the release of its Harsh Environment Controller, the HEC-P5000. The HEC-P5000 Harsh Environment Controller is RoHS compliant, has a wide temperature range of -40 to 80 degrees Celsius and allows for programmable intelligence under less than ideal conditions. It features a sealed, water-tight enclosure, analog and digital I/O, high speed counting, TCP/IP, communications ports, CAN network communications and Structured Text programming."Our HEC-P5000 series is built for the most adverse of environments," said Terry Divelbiss, Company President. Adding, "The Harsh environment controller can be directly machine-mounted and is the ideal solution for mobile, marine, agriculture, mining, oil, gas and most electro-hydraulic applications."
In addition, typical applications for the HEC-P5000 include:
- Electro-hydraulic Systems
- Remote Locations Monitoring & Control
- Engine Driven Pumps, Compressors and Generators
- Mobile Equipment
- Material Handling
- Off Road Equipment
- temperature range of -40 to 80 degrees Celsius
- sealed, water-tight enclosure
- analog and digital I/O, high speed counting