Zero Ground Clearance Ovens

March 25, 2014

Sahara Hot BoxX Zero Ground Clearance Ovens can be conveniently accessed with a pallet jack. Benko Products offers a complete line of drum and tote warming ovens that safely heat from one to thirty-two 55-gallon drums or one to eight totes. The Zero ground clearance option is ideal for areas where forklift use is not acceptable. 


The oven sits flush with the ground and features a metal plate floor so drums and totes can be easily moved in and out of the oven with a pallet jack. Any Sahara oven can be designed as zero ground clearance. The Sahara ovens can be heated electrically or with steam, hot water or hot oil. Sahara Ovens are fully insulated, feature rugged steel construction and precise temperature control. 


Ovens are shipped completely assembled and tested for easy installation. Options include air circulation, exhaust capabilities, outdoor use package and are available in a variety of finishes