INTRAGUARD Penetrating Concrete Sealing Compound

Sept. 9, 2014

INTRAGUARD is a water-based, penetrating concrete sealing compound for exterior concrete surfaces that is specifically designed to limit the intrusion of moisture and chlorides into concrete surfaces. Its proprietary blend of silane and siloxane penetrates deep into the pores of the concrete to help protect it from scaling caused by deicing salts.


INTRAGUARD’s clear sealing properties weatherproofs and protects virtually all exterior concrete surfaces including concrete driveways, walkways, and parking lots. The product is designed to provide lasting protection from de-icing chemicals and moisture intrusion. Surfaces treated with INTRAGUARD will also be resistant to staining from oils, fuels, and common chemicals.


One of INTRAGUARD’s major benefits includes its non-film forming material that penetrates deep into the surface to form an integral barrier to moisture penetration. It also reduces the entrapment of dirt particles and other contaminants that cause discoloration and inhibits soiling, protects against efflorescence, rust staining, and is water-based and VOC-compliant.

  • When properly applied INTRAGUARD does not form a film
  • Leaves no gloss or shine
  • Transparent, non-staining
  • Breathable
  • Reduces chloride penetration into concrete and masonry surfaces
  • Helps protect properly placed and cured concrete and masonry from scaling and freeze/thaw damage caused by de-icing chemicals
  • Water-based, VOC-compliant