Smart, Collaborative Robot

March 19, 2015
Sawyer, Rethink Robotics' latest collaborative robot, aims to take on machine tending, circuit board testing and other precise tasks that have historically been impractical to automate with traditional industrial robots. Weighing just 42 lb., Sawyer features an 8.8 lb. payload with 7 deg. of freedom and a 1-meter reach that can maneuver into the tight spaces and varied alignments of work cells designed for humans. Its high-resolution force sensing, embedded at each joint, enables Rethink Robotics’ compliant motion control, which allows the robot to “feel” its way into fixtures or machines, even when parts or positions vary.  This enables an adaptive precision that is unique to the robotics industry and allows Sawyer to work effectively in semi-structured environments. In addition, Sawyer features an embedded vision system, which includes a camera in its head to perform applications requiring a wide field of view and a Cognex camera with a built-in light source in its wrist for precision vision applications.  Sawyer’s vision system enables the Robot Positioning System for dynamic re-orientation, and over time will support more advanced features that are inherent to the Cognex system, such as barcode scanning and object recognition. Sawyer offers the same highly-touted safety, compliance and usability advantages of the company's previous offering, Baxter – including the iconic “face” screen, embedded sensors and train-by-demonstration user interface – while providing the smaller footprint and high precision performance needed for tasks that require significant agility and flexibility. In addition, Sawyer runs on the Intera™ software system, the same extensible platform that powers Baxter, so it works like humans do by dynamically adapting to real-world conditions on the plant floor and integrating seamlessly into existing work cells.
  • Payload: 8.8 lb.
  • Weight: 42 lb.
  • Cost: $29,000