Adjustable High Density Storage Cabinets

Sept. 18, 2015

With the leveling base for universal cabinets, you can vertically adjust all four corners by 1 in. from inside the cabinet. This makes the 4-ton capacity cabinets bases, which are available in four heights and 14 footprints,
extremely customizable, no matter what the industry or application.

A side-skirt is available for cleaner applications on more severely un-level floors.

  • Ability to adjust at all four corners from inside the cabinet
  • 1-in. vertical adjustment at each corner
  • 8,000 lb. capacity
  • Two-piece sliding front cover assembly
  • Available in plain steel, galvanealled, and galvanealled with stainless steel cover
  • Internal rear support is notched to align with glide adjustment point