PC-Based Switchgear Training Simulator

July 8, 2016

Russelectric Training Simulators allow operations and maintenance personnel to train on the automatic (and manual) operation of Russelectric Power Control Systems in the safety and comfort of an office environment.


Designed and programmed to mimic the actual operation and performance of the customer’s Russelectric switchgear/system, Russelectric Simulators help personnel familiarize themselves with the system and its operation; accurately diagnose a wide range of utility, generator, and breaker problems; and assess the impact of changes to programmable logic controller (PLC) setpoints such as kW values and time delays by seeing how the system responds.


By allowing personnel to run an almost limitless number of failure scenarios, Russelectric Training Simulators are also a powerful tool for developing and validating site operating and emergency procedures without interfering with the operation of the actual system. And any time the switchgear is upgraded, the simulator can also be used to thoroughly test the modified PLC and operator interface panel (OIP) logic before downloading it to the online PLC system, dramatically reducing live system testing time.

  • Training Simulator for training personnel on the automatic operation of Russelectric switchgear;
  • Advanced Training Simulator for training personnel on both the automatic and manual operation of the switchgears
  • Personal computer, an industrial-grade PLC, and 2 or 3 touch screen monitors.
  •  Familiarize personnel with the system and its operation;
  • Accurately diagnose a wide range of utility, generator, and breaker problems;
  • Assess the impact of changes to PLC setpoints such as kW values and time delays by seeing how the system responds;
  • Evaluate an almost limitless number of responses to failure scenarios;
  • Develop and validate site operating and emergency procedures