Edgetech Instruments X3 chemical resistant chilled mirror sensor exploits the latest advancements in optical sensing and is specifically designed for demanding process and laboratory applications. It is available in multiple configurations to accurately measure dew point in aggressive background gases including ammonia, hydrochloric acid, peroxides, semiconductor process gases, medical gases, and other reactants.The primary standard, chilled mirror technique directly measures dew/frost point and provides absolute knowledge of moisture content. As an added benefit, the X3 sensor’s minimized sample cavity results in rapid dry-down times, fast response, and quick detection of upset process conditions. The X3 sensor may be air cooled or liquid cooled with a best-in-class range to –90°C frost point.


  • measures dew/frost point
  • provides absolute knowledge of moisture content
  • may be air or liquid cooled
  • best-in-class range to –90°C frost point
  • used with DewMaster hygrometer