Keypanion App for Easy and Secure Access Control

May 6, 2024
A wireless access control app, Southco's Keypanion enables a simple, plug & play system that allows users to share digital keys and manage equipment access from their phone, at any time and location.

A wireless access control app, the Keypanion app enables a simple, plug-and-play system that allows users to share digital keys and manage equipment access from their phone, at any time and location.

The app lets you use your phone or smart device to access equipment anytime, anywhere. Compatible with Bluetooth-enabled hardware, it offers the secure creation and sharing of digital keys with other app users anywhere in the world.

With no more need for physical keys or IT set ups, users can enjoy intelligent access control from the palm of their hand.

Simply download the app and register devices for an easy access control system.

Southco, Inc.
Concordville, PA
(610) 459-4000
[email protected]