2L, Inc.

Hudson, MA 1749


About 2L, Inc.

2L is a USA manufacturer of superior-quality tooling, designing and producing a wide range of products including solid carbide end mills, solid carbide engraving tools and cutting tools, spring-loaded engraving tools, CNC countersink tools, vacuum chucks, vacuum pumps, broken tap removal tools, and complete vacuum work-holding systems.


4 Kane Industrial Dr.
Hudson, MA 1749
(978) 567-8867

More Info on 2L, Inc.

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2L is a USA manufacturer of superior-quality tooling, designing and producing a wide range of products including solid carbide end mills, solid carbide engraving tools and cutting tools, spring-loaded engraving tools, CNC countersink tools, vacuum chucks, vacuum pumps, broken tap removal tools, and complete vacuum work-holding systems.

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