Desktop Metal, Inc.

Burlington, MA 1803


About Desktop Metal, Inc.

Desktop Metal, Inc., based in Burlington, Massachusetts, is accelerating the transformation of manufacturing with end-to-end metal 3D printing solutions.


63 Third Ave.
Burlington, MA 1803
(978) 224-1244

More Info on Desktop Metal, Inc.

Desktop Metal, Inc., based in Burlington, Massachusetts, is accelerating the transformation of manufacturing with end-to-end metal 3D printing solutions. Founded in 2015 by leaders in advanced manufacturing, metallurgy, and robotics, the company is addressing the unmet challenges of speed, cost, and quality to make metal 3D printing an essential tool for engineers and manufacturers around the world. Since its inception, the company has raised $438 million in financing with a portfolio of strategic partners and investors including Ford Motor Company, GV (formerly Google Ventures), GE Ventures, BMW iVentures, Koch Disruptive Technologies, Lowe’s, New Enterprise Associates (NEA) and more.

Videos & Resources


Breakthrough Sintering and Debinding Furnace

Aug. 21, 2024
See how Desktop Metal gets rid of the headaches and challenges when de-binding sintered parts with its new PureSinter Furnace.

All content from Desktop Metal, Inc.

© Desktop Metal, Inc.
PureSinter Furnace

PureSinter Furnace Combines De-Binding and Sintering for Metal Parts Into One Machine

Aug. 21, 2024
Desktop Metal's new PureSinter Furnace uses hot walls instead of cold to prevent contamination buildup of sintered parts.
830 350
3D Printing

Studio System 2 for Office 3D Printing

Sept. 10, 2021
Next-generation technology from Desktop Metal further simplifies metal 3D [rinting for low volume production with a breakthrough, two-step process.
830 350
3D Printing

3D Printer For Small Serial Production

Feb. 24, 2021
Desktop Metal's printer provides an in-between, medium option for customers looking to scale to an industrial, high-volume additive manufacturing capacity.