Otto Ganter GmbH & Co. KG


About Otto Ganter GmbH & Co. KG

Established in 1894, our medium-sized, family-owned business has focused on designing and manufacturing standardized components for industrial machines for more than 100 years. Today we are one of the biggest suppliers of standard machine elements for clamping, operating, and fixture elements, worldwide.


78120 Furtwangen


More Info on Otto Ganter GmbH & Co. KG

Established in 1894, our medium-sized, family-owned business has focused on designing and manufacturing standardized components for industrial machines for more than 100 years. Today we are one of the biggest suppliers of standard machine elements for clamping, operating, and fixture elements, worldwide.

All content from Otto Ganter GmbH & Co. KG

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Adhesives & Fastening

Constructive Problem Solutions for Fastening

Nov. 16, 2017
Otto Ganter GmbH & Co. KG offers a new English guide for solutions to fastening problems.