Moeller Electric Corp

Houston, TX 77032


About Moeller Electric Corp


4140 World Houston Pkwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77032
United States of America

More Info on Moeller Electric Corp

Moeller is a world-renowned, full line manufacturer of industrial electric and electronic controls and systems. We have earned a worldwide reputation for high quality components, built with ecologically sensitive manufacturing practices.

With a nationwide team of highly experienced sales engineers and customer service representatives, we can partner with you to select Moeller components and tailor systems to meet your requirements for the US, Canada or other international facilities.

Whether it?s a single component or a complex motor control center, Moeller?s strength is providing control solutions simply, safely and reliably.

All content from Moeller Electric Corp

830 350

Ready-Made Enclosed Motor Starters

Jan. 17, 2009
Moeller has addressed the market for acquiring a ready-to-use enclosed motor starter within minutes of walkinginto a distributor showroom. Moeller’s SYST-M line of ready-made ...