Alphawave Semi

San Jose, CA 95112


About Alphawave Semi

Alphawave Semi designs industry-leading, high-speed connectivity solutions for customers in high-growth end markets.
501 to 1,000

Product Summary

Semiconductors, connectivity, custom silicon, connectivity IP, connectivity products, and chiplets.


1730 N. First St.
Suite 650
San Jose, CA 95112
United States of America
(888) 760-5876

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© Alphawave Semi
Alphawave Semi HBM Subsystem
Industrial Computers & Embedded Systems

9.2 Gbps HBM3E Subsystem Unlocks Speed for AI Computing

Aug. 5, 2024
Alphawave Semi's 9.2 Gbps HBM3E sub-system (PHY + Controller IP) silicon platform takes chiplet-enabled memory bandwidth to new heights of 1.2 TBps, addressing the demand for ...