Industrial Maid

Cortland, NE 68331


About Industrial Maid

Industrial Maid has been making commercial and industrial air purifiers since 2004.


351 S. 12th Rd.
Cortland, NE 68331
(402) 798-7116

More Info on Industrial Maid

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Industrial Maid has been making commercial and industrial air purifiers since 2004. The company was founded by Zvolanek and Todd Adam, both graduates of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s College of Engineering. Industrial Maid’s equipment has always incorporated environmentally sound components, and the company keeps purchase, installation, and operation simple. Consultants can assist businesses with design, drawings, layouts, and practical advice for air filtration solutions.


Industrial Maid provides business owners with a clean, safe, and efficient work environment with high-quality industrial and commercial air filtration and purification solutions. The company’s systems help facilities reduce energy usage, keep a clean, safe facility and protect staff and visitors from exposure to welding smoke fumes, grinding dust, wood dust, gases and odors, bacteria, viruses and mold, and other airborne contaminants.

All content from Industrial Maid

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Facility Operations

Air Purifier Series Neutralizes COVID-19 Particles

Feb. 27, 2021
Industrial Maid's air purifiers protect people from bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.