Founded in 1932, Ohio Blow Pipe (OBP) is a recognized industry leader in the design, fabrication, and installation of several high-speed manufacturing systems. We specialize in trim/scrap conveying, cyclone based systems, dust collection, and oil mist collection for a variety of industries.
Founded in 1932, Ohio Blow Pipe (OBP) is a recognized industry leader in the design, fabrication, and installation of several high-speed manufacturing systems. We specialize in trim/scrap conveying, cyclone based systems, dust collection, and oil mist collection for a variety of industries.
Ohio Blow Pipe is also a leading provider of unique scrap and dust conveying applications, such as:
Bulk bag removal systems (used in the chemical, paint, bottling and food industries)
Pneumatic conveying (used in the metal and glass recycling industry)
Security shredding and document destruction
Continuous scrap conveying (used in textile, fiber, film, foil labels and adhesives industries)
OBP designs customized system solutions for each industry and each customer application. We have immediate access to our own manufactured components as well as externally manufactured components or machinery.
The Dust Wizard ambient air cleaner not only filters molecular dust, but with an optional MERV 14, 15, 16, or HEPA filter, will combat and reduce the risk of contaminations...