Trafimet Group

Castegnero, Vicenza 36020


About Trafimet Group

Known worldwide for over 40 years for the exceptional reliability of its wide range of products specialized in the field of welding, the company represents also and especially quality, innovation, attention to service and to people.


Via Del Lavoro 8
Castegnero, Vicenza 36020
+39 0444 739900

More Info on Trafimet Group

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Known worldwide for over 40 years for the exceptional reliability of its wide range of products specialized in the field of welding, the company represents also and especially quality, innovation, attention to service and to people.

All content from Trafimet Group

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Welding Protection

Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet

April 14, 2020
Trafimet Group provides new technology granting total eye protection for the welding operator.