
Adelaide, SA 5000


About Ping

The team at Ping Monitor have been working on wind farm acoustics for the past 15 years and became known as experts in the field.


Level 4, 23 Peel St.
Adelaide, SA 5000
+0883 027 651

More Info on Ping

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The team at Ping Monitor have been working on wind farm acoustics for the past 15 years and became known as experts in the field.


The Ping Monitor was developed following an approach by a wind farm operator, who had noticed that they sometimes heard when there was damage on the blades. The Ping team has spent the last 5 years perfecting and further developing the technology, to the point that the monitor has now been commercially launched.

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Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Listening Devices Could Reduce Mining Downtime

Sept. 6, 2019
Acoustic listening devices to monitor the health of wind turbines are being redesigned for use in the mining industry.