Logimax Inc.

Jacksonville, FL 32256


About Logimax Inc.

Logimax Inc. provides a robust, reliable and affordable WMS solution to meet the challenges of the distribution, manufacturing and 3PL industries.


7563 Philips Highway
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(855) 253-8855

More Info on Logimax Inc.

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Logimax Inc. provides a robust, reliable and affordable WMS solution to meet the challenges of the distribution, manufacturing and 3PL industries. The product is a browser-based solution built on the strength of the IBM i platform. The company is based in Jacksonville, Florida, and has offices in Chicago and San Francisco. Logimax is a FOG Software Group company, part of Constellation Software Inc.

All content from Logimax Inc.

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Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Powerful and Scalable WMS

July 10, 2019
Logimax's latest release of its WMS features enhancements in all warehouse operational areas.