Power Tool Institute

Cleveland, OH 44115-2851


About Power Tool Institute

With the vision to unify and educate others about power tools, the Power Tool Institute (PTI) has established itself as the leading organization for building global understanding of power tools and for maintaining high standards of safety in the industry.


1300 Sumner Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115-2851
(216) 241-7333

More Info on Power Tool Institute

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With the vision to unify and educate others about power tools, the Power Tool Institute (PTI) has established itself as the leading organization for building global understanding of power tools and for maintaining high standards of safety in the industry.


Its members represent market-leading brands in the areas of portable and stationary power tools. From table saws to portable drills, from shapers to sanders, the Power Tool Institute’s members are committed to improving the industry and to being the premier resource for power tool education.

Founded in 1968, PTI’s primary objectives are to promote the common business interests of the power tool industry; to represent the industry before government; to educate the public as to the usefulness and importance of power tools; to encourage high standards of safety in the manufacture of power tools; and to prepare and distribute information about safe use of power tools.

All content from Power Tool Institute

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Power Tool Safety

Aug. 14, 2018
An online training module, “Power Tool Safety – It’s in Your Hands,” is designed to help users better understand the safe way to use power tools.