
Chattanooga, TN 37410


About Sherman+Reilly


400 W 33rd St,
Chattanooga, TN 37410
(423) 756-5300

More Info on Sherman+Reilly

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Since 1927, Chattanooga-based Sherman + Reilly, a Textron company, has been a leading manufacturer of tools and equipment for underground and aerial transmission, and distribution of electrical power and communications systems, including a complete line of bundle blocks, pullers, tensioners, reel trailers, and lineman construction and maintenance tools.

Sherman + Reilly has always been synonymous with Quality, and today we are raising the bar even higher with making Safety our top priority. We are 100% focused on the safety of every Lineman and have taken the next steps in implementing changes in design and engineering that provide the most advanced safety envelope for the Lineman today.

All content from Sherman+Reilly

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Facility Operations

Underground Puller Boasts 7,500 or 10,000-lb Pull Capacity

Dec. 6, 2016
Redesigned Duct Dawg X underground puller comes with either a 7,500 or 10,000-lb pull capacity for underground cable installations.