TimeKeeper America

Hudson, FL 34674-4991


About TimeKeeper America


PO Box 6991
Hudson, FL 34674-4991
United States of America
(866) 668-0800

More Info on TimeKeeper America

A Software Company with Laboratory ExpertiseTimeKeeper America was founded by Gerry Hall and Dan Aven to bring software applications into the laboratory environment. With over 40 years experience in the laboratory instrumentation field, Mr. Hall and Mr. Aven realized there were many shortcomings in the area of maintenance tracking and scheduling. With the help of Mark Rials from Southwest Florida Water Management District and Colin Wright from the Florida DEP, this idea was put into real world applications.HistoryThe Look Ahead Scheduler idea was born in 2000, when Mr. Hall became tired of using a lab notebook to keep track of his maintenance tasks. He knew there was a better way, an automated way. For the next few years, this idea began to develop. A few years later, in a casual conversation with a colleague, Mr. Aven, the software development commenced. Mr. Aven took his knowledge of laboratory instruments and software and turned Mr. Hall's idea into a reality. Thus, TimeKeeper America was born."

All content from TimeKeeper America

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New Software Program Helps Laboratories Demonstrate Compliance to an Auditor

Dec. 12, 2006
TimeKeeper® America (TKA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of their Beta test cycle. TKA software is now being marketed to laboratories and industries that undergo...