BigRep America Inc.

Woburn, MA 1801


About BigRep America Inc.

BigRep is a technology start-up based in Berlin with offices in Boston, New York and Singapore, which develops and manufactures the world's largest 3D printers.


400 W. Cummings Park
Woburn, MA 1801
(781) 281-0569

More Info on BigRep America Inc.

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BigRep is a technology start-up based in Berlin with offices in Boston, New York and Singapore, which develops and manufactures the world's largest 3D printers. One of the ground-breaking developments of the company founded in 2014 is the BigRep ONE, which is supplemented by the smaller BigRep STUDIO. Interdisciplinarity and well-founded experience in the field of additive manufacturing characterizes the multinational team of BigRep, now comprised of more than 90 employees. In addition to new products, the Berlin company is now concentrating on complete solutions for industrial customers in the form of integrated additive manufacturing systems. The goal of the highly innovative engineering company is to revolutionize design, prototyping and industrial production from the ground up.

All content from BigRep America Inc.

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3D Printing

World's First 3D Printed Airless Bicycle Tire

July 24, 2018
BigRep’s flexible filament means you can print industrial objects that bend to your will.