Fuji Electric Corp. of America

Edison, NJ 8837


About Fuji Electric Corp. of America


50 Northfield Ave.
Edison, NJ 8837

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Fuji Electric has created a number of new businesses during the nearly 90 years since our founding. A single theme has linked each of these—that of “Power Electronics Technology” combining power semiconductors, circuits, control systems, and similar technologies. Fuji Electric now aims to become a leading-edge company in “energy and the environment” by building upon our core platform of five technology fields which unlock the potential of electricity—energy, industrial systems, social systems, power electronics, and electronic devices.

All content from Fuji Electric Corp. of America

830 350
Motion Control

High-Performance, Full-Featured Drive

Feb. 11, 2017
FRENIC-Ace is a high performance, full-featured Drive designed to suit a wide variety of applications including fans, pumps, specialized machinery and more.