Pinnacle Systems Inc

Pittsburgh, PA 15233


About Pinnacle Systems Inc


PO Box 100088
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
United States of America

More Info on Pinnacle Systems Inc

The road to your Total Safety Solution begins with Pinnacle Systems! Pinnacle Systems provides a complete line of presence-sensing hazardous industrial machine guards and controls. Our feature intensive product mix includes Safety Light Curtains, Safety Mat Systems, Ergonomic Palm Buttons, Safety PLCs, Safety Electrical Interlocks, E-Stop Buttons, Fencing with Interlocks, Stack Lights and interfacing with Control Reliable Valves. We also offer Factory Audit with Risk Assessment. All products are manufactured, engineered and serviced in the United States. Visit us on the web at for more information. We would appreciate the opportunity to help you achieve your Total Safety Solution. Contact us today!

All content from Pinnacle Systems Inc

830 350

Safety Mat Systems

March 29, 2011
The extremely durable NSD Pressure Sensitive Safety Mat is available in any shape and size. Pinnacle Systems’ electrical safety mats can be customized for irregular angles, contours...
830 350
Machine Guards

Universal Safety Controller HUB / Safety PLC

Oct. 27, 2010
The Universal Safety Controller HUB from Pinnacle Systems replaces multiple individual freestanding safety relay modules into one completely integrated and multi-faceted safety...
830 350

UltraTouch Ergonomic Palm Button

Oct. 19, 2010
Our patented UltraTouch—a zero force, control reliable, ergonomic palm button can be used as a two-hand control device for operator safety. The UltraTouch solid state technology...
830 350

STTS Safety Mat System

Oct. 19, 2010
All STTS (Soft Tactile Transducer Sensor) mats are homerun wired back to the safety relay controller and are continuously pulsed. This verifies that each safety mat is wired properly...
830 350
Machine & Tool

Safety Light Curtains - Pinnacle Systems Inc

Oct. 19, 2010
Pinnacle Systems offers the most complete product offering of safety light curtains in the industry. Our Category 4 light curtains are offered in various sizes ranging from 4-...