Micronor Inc

Newbury Park, CA 91320


About Micronor Inc


750 Mitchell Rd.
Newbury Park, CA 91320
United States of America

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830 350

Fiber Optic Position Sensor

May 23, 2011
MICRONOR introduces the world's first commercially-available absolute Fiber Optic Position Sensor (FOPS). The Model MR330 series position sensor is an innovative all-optical design...
830 350

Yaw Position Sensor for Wind Turbines

Jan. 16, 2010
Specially engineered for wind turbine applications, MR200W series Yaw Position Transducers monitor position, direction, speed and cable twist while providing the necessary feedback...
830 350

Non-metallic fiber optic rotary encoder

June 12, 2008
Micronor Inc. is proud to submit this press release announcing Micronor's new TD5207 non-metallic fiber optic rotary encoder for use in extreme electromagnetic environments. Features...
830 350
Control Systems

Handheld Pendant With Live or Dead Man Enable Switches

Aug. 2, 2006
The MR175 series Handheld Pendant Station offers a superb ergonomic form factor, a full complement of controls, and choice of serial or hardwired interface. Magnetic pads allow...